Scenic area self-service ticketing machine-convenient human-computer interaction experience

by:Hongzhou      2021-03-03
The self-service ticketing machine in the scenic spot provides unattended services for tourists, integrating functions such as ticket purchase, ticket collection, and ticket inquiry, effectively implementing human-computer interaction, greatly reducing the pressure of ticket sales during the peak period of the scenic spot, and effectively regulating The order of the scenic spot. The self-service ticketing system of scenic spots provides more humane and more convenient scientific services for tourists, reduces the waiting time of tourists in line, and makes it convenient for tourists. Picture: Scenic area self-service ticketing machine The scenic area self-service ticketing machine has the following main functions: 1. Advertising playback function: unified background management of the online version of the headquarters; 2. WeChat payment function: scan the QR code to generate a mobile verification code to proceed Confirm payment; 3. Ticket sales function: UnionPay sells adult tickets, and elderly tickets can only be purchased through identification by ID card; 4. Monitoring function: The background can monitor the usage of the equipment and can automatically switch the machine. 5. Video function: save the security of UnionPay transactions; 6. Ticket collection function: ID card, QR code, verification code, mobile phone number, all-in-one card membership card for ticket collection; 7. Printing function: print scenic spot tickets and print transactions Voucher; 8. Card issuance function: Issuance of all-in-one card cards for scenic spots; 9. Power-off transaction function: Back-up support for normal ticket sales and withdrawal operations after power-off. 10. Voice-activated payment function: Alipay payment confirms payment transactions through voice reading; With its powerful functions and characteristics, the self-service ticketing machine for scenic spots has successfully brought tourists a convenient human-computer interaction experience, and has also opened the direction of building smart scenic spots. During the operation process, management costs have been greatly saved and increased The overall image of the scenic spot. The service integrity, visibility, systematization and maintainability of the self-service ticketing machine system in the scenic spot are an effective guarantee for the automatic processing of the business in the scenic spot. Related articles Scenic area self-service terminals prevent ticket stealing and missing tickets in scenic areas. Scenic area self-service ticket machines are indispensable in building smart scenic areas. Scenic area self-service ticket machines help scenic area manual ticket sales. What are the effects of scenic area self-service ticket machines?
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