What is a self-service terminal? Self-service terminals function have?

by:Hongzhou      2021-02-05
Some friends in the first time I heard the word self-service terminals, don't know what is a self-service terminal, often ask, self-service terminals function have? Today, information is in order to solve this problem for everyone to do a answer! What is a self-service terminal? In fact, we met a self-service terminals, self-service terminals is one of the most common machine in our life. For example, the station of self-service ticket machine, banking self-service machine and so on belong to one of the self-service terminals. With the improvement of living standards, the use of self-service terminal more widely, can be found everywhere in our life, also don't have to line up to buy tickets to the cinema or collect the tickets, can directly on the self-service terminal solution. Every time before go to the bank are stood in line for a long time, after a self-service terminals, speed a lot! Self-service terminals function have? Through the above introduction, we all know what is self-service terminals, self-service terminals self-service terminals function what then? Self-service terminals in different places, the function is not the same, can be customized according to requirements, the need is out of the cinema is just like ticket printing, Banks need is a business to deal with, or is the card, read the id card, etc, in different scenarios, self-service terminals function also is not the same, need according to the actual situation of customization! Self-service terminal custom hotline: on a self-service terminal machines how many money?
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