Looking at the future development of tourism from the automatic ticket vending machine

by:Hongzhou      2021-02-27
I believe you have seen automatic ticket vending machines in many parks or scenic spot ticket offices. I don’t know if you have ever thought about what problems the appearance of self-service ticket machines means? His appearance shows that the ticket sales mode of scenic parks is now developing in the direction of intelligence and speed. The machine in the future will replace all manual labor and change the existing ticketing mode. Picture: From the author's point of view, the automatic ticket vending machine has two main points:'fast' and'less'. 'Fast' means fast ticket purchase. People no longer need to spend a long time queuing to buy tickets as in the past. They only need to place an order at the automatic ticket vending machine and pay to complete the ticket purchase. 'Less' means that there are few conductors. In the future, the ticket office of scenic spots will be a management model that uses intelligence instead of manual work. The task of the waiter has gradually changed from the previous ticket sales to the ticket checking work, and the customer will complete the ticket purchase and ticket collection independently. This is not only the future development trend of the tourism industry , It will greatly speed up the pace of our lives, people do not need to wait unnecessary in the past, and do not need the ticket sellers in the scenic area, and customers will be more comfortable and happy to buy tickets. In this fast-developing society, there are only unexpected things that cannot be done, and backwardness will be eliminated. Therefore, the era of automatic ticket vending machines instead of labor is coming soon, allowing people to truly appreciate what is simple and fast.
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