Self-service ticket vending machines in scenic spots make encounters no longer difficult

by:Hongzhou      2021-02-25
An encounter made my life change, and a trip made my mood very different and harvested the precious happiness of life. Life will inevitably encounter some setbacks and unpleasantness. How you look at it determines what kind of mentality you will use in your future life. The encounter with her started from a trip. I was upset by the unsatisfactory work and life, and then I came on a walk-and-go trip, and the location I chose was Tibet. After a long journey, I finally reached the foot of the Potala Palace. Looking at the majestic artificial miracle, I was shocked and moved. All this went so smoothly thanks to the use of the scenic area self-service ticket machine to get the tickets. 'Handsome guy, can you take a picture for me? ', a girl with a sweet voice stood in front of me, at that moment I was stupid, she was as beautiful as the scenery, as fresh as the hibiscus in the water, and the harsh environment of Tibet did not make any change for her. For a while, I was at a loss. , I didn't react until she raised it to me again. 'Of course, of course' I would only say that for a while, she smiled slightly and I forgot the camera's shutter button. Later, after getting acquainted with each other, I learned that she also came to relax. We naturally have a lot of common language when we have the same experience. We slowly walked into each other’s hearts. We went into and out of the scenic spot together, bought tickets and used the self-service ticket machine to watch. As the ticket office gathered and crowded, we were'gloating'. Today, she has become a mother, and of course her husband is the author and me!
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