Take you to know several common self-service machines

by:Hongzhou      2021-02-28
Speaking of kiosks, what do we think of? Is it a bank self-service teller machine? Or is it a self-service ticket machine at the station? In fact, the scope of self-service machines is very wide. Today we will talk about several common self-service machines. Picture: Self-service kiosks dedicated to ticket sales in theaters. The first type of self-service kiosks is the bank self-service teller machine mentioned above. This is probably our most common type of self-service kiosks, because now many people use them in many places; There is a kind of self-service machine which is a self-service machine for ticket collection at the station. This is often seen when taking trains or cars, especially trains. Now many railway stations have special self-service ticket collection halls, which do not require staff, and there are self-service collection The ticket machine is fine; there is another kind of self-service machine that everyone is familiar with, but many people don’t know that it is also a queuing machine. In fact, the queuing machine can also be said to be a kind of self-service machine, because you enter the bank. When you get the queuing number, you can wait for the business, so it can also be included in the self-service machine. Are these types of kiosks very common in our lives? I think everyone may have seen and used them before, these are very common in our lives.
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