The renewal of tourism industry

by:Hongzhou      2021-02-27
In the tourism industry, people’s requirements for service efficiency have increased. In terms of ticket purchase, the traditional manual ticket purchase method can no longer meet people’s needs. Because the traditional ticket purchase method will take up too much time for tourists, people no longer trust the traditional ticket sales model. , This requires scenic ticket machines to solve the efficiency problem of ticket sales. Picture: Scenic ticket machine This creates unlimited business opportunities for our scenic ticket machine. This equipment will also be applied to many tourist attractions and parks. The development trend of the self-service ticket machine market can be described as immeasurable. It is a well-known brand of domestic self-service ticket vending machines with advanced and mature self-service ticketing system technology. The ticket machine in the scenic spot adopts electronic ticket sales and ticket checking, which can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the staff. The on-site computer automatically prints the tickets, and the ticket checking equipment automatically recommends the tickets to improve work efficiency!
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