Modern people began to more and more pursuit in life, especially in the pursuit of food and beverage industry. Everyone began to pursue efficient table speed, for dinner in line of thing is very exclusive. In the face of such situation, many businesses are also very helpless. Science and technology in view of the situation of food and beverage industry, launched a visual and settlement. Accepted, the author introduces the catering to everyone AI visual and settlement. In fact, in our life lines of dining scene is commonplace. But with the rise of online order platform, our customers regarding the dining environment and the pursuit of efficiency is higher and higher. And this is why food industry operators, and the catering AI vision settlement platform can meet the requirements of business. Catering visual settlement using AI AI technology, with high performance processors, identification and calculation of the finished products can be quickly. Before our order process is the order, the reckoner recognition dishes, customer payment settlement process. To complete the whole process of the interaction between people and settlement, efficiency is slow. If by catering AI vision clearing machine, the entire process will speed up a lot. Customers can order, in the settlement area, face recognition or scan code can be completed. Catering AI visual recognition speed identification of Taiwan to the settlement of food need only 2 ms, fastest fastest from recognition to pay only need for 2 seconds. Such rapid efficiency than human settlement efficiency is several times more diffuse ring can solve the problem of the trouble of merchants. Visual settlement platform and catering costs less than artificial, if in the face of peak traffic can consider configuration two visual and settlement. Catering AI vision of settlement and settlement speed, and cost much less than human. So now in the face of the present situation of the catering industry, catering visual platform complete can satisfy to the settlement of problems. At the same time to provide customers more high-quality dining services, enhance the brand competitiveness.