With the improvement of people spiritual pursuit, to the cinema, enjoy a huge screen the realistic effect of the thrill of feeling and happiness, has become nowadays a lot of young people's entertainment. But although the film good-looking, but to catch up with the weekend watching movies peak, queuing to buy tickets or collect the tickets is also a more painful and lengthy process. And cinema self-help sell the ticket machine is very good solve the problem of the customers lined up to collect the tickets, cinema self-service sale ticket machine is able to provide the following several ways for consumers to collect the tickets: 1, take Banks collect the tickets: by the user in theaters self-help sell the ticket machine operation page, manually enter the Banks that can complete conversion in text documents. Specific operation: self-help to sell the tickets in cinemas on click 'collect the tickets to enter take Banks' page, and then manually enter Banks, check for Banks ( After confirmed) Click on the confirmation, cinema self-service sold the ticket machine can print the ticket. 2, sound waves to collect the tickets: users only need to pack to pay treasure to purse, which can be self-help to sell the tickets by phone and cinemas machine 'acoustic sensing area' link. Specific operation: self-service ticket sales and taking in cinema screen select 'sound waves to collect the tickets', then the user open alipay purse, choose corresponding electronic coupon, buy the ticket of sound waves to collect the tickets page, click on the sound wave induction button on the phone, near the movie theater from sale to help pick up the ticket machine induction area, automatically print the ticket after the connection is successful. 3, barcodes and collect the tickets: as long as put 'qr code message' at movie theaters self collect the tickets on the qr code scanning area, after the success of the scanning can complete the conversion. ( Note: such as mobile phone MMS is not opened, is unable to get qr code message, but it has function of the smart phone) Specific operation: self-help to sell the tickets to the cinema on click 'collect the tickets' into the qr code page, the credentials of SMS qr code, in the cinema ticket sale of self-help and taking the qr code scanning area, cinema self-service ticket sales and taking after the connection is successful, you will automatically print the ticket. Self-help for cinema ticket sales and taking what way to collect the tickets are here today to share, it's front page support split screen Settings, support form of video and image advertising, advertising management platform support unification remote management, also can provide light boxes advertising and advertisements on a screen saver; Efficiency compared with the artificial collect the tickets and issue a lot of, can speed up. How much money on a self-service terminal machines?