No convenience store is now is relatively perfect, can be in the market for a promotion. Currently no convenience store is fixed with some intelligent products to meet the normal unmanned operation. Today, the author will introduce you to the main use of unmanned convenience store products have? There is no convenience store in use process, the main is the use of the intelligent entrance guard system, face recognition screen, self service cash register and monitoring system. This a few product is now the most often used in unmanned convenience store products, combined with the safety and normal use can ensure unmanned convenience store shopping checkout operation. Face recognition screen is according to the records of people's identity information product, can verify everyone's identity, at the same time also can help businesses to do member points system operations. Also some businesses choose to have WeChat App to replace the use of facial recognition screen, but there is no good face recognition screen effect. Intelligent entrance guard system is mainly to ensure the customer to go out into the job, work with self-service checkout of cash register, prevent illegal trading. Self-service register mainly guarantee the customer's normal checkout cashier, some you can configure the degaussing station, choose by merchant configuration. Monitoring and control system is mainly the use of guaranteeing the normal operations of the store, and the timely processing of problems. At present the use of unmanned convenience store products are mainly is that several people already know clearly as well. As there is no convenience store the intelligent level of ascension, there will be new changes, we are looking forward to the emergence of more intelligent unmanned convenience store.
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