Convenience store development today, from the manned, to develop unattended convenience store now. From this course have excessive not only from the literal unattended changes, more is a kind of new business model innovation, more is the rise in technology. Followed the author to see today from the 'someone' to 'no', convenience store has experienced? 1, the change from the traditional business model of convenience store business model change into the new unmanned convenience store business model, and the traditional convenience store business model is mainly through the assistant of unattended to complete checkout, loading, and maintain the normal conduct of trading, rely on a clerk. Now no convenience store business model more based on consumers' quality and technology to improve the above, the integrity of consumer and self-consciousness can better promote the unmanned operation of convenience stores. And the improvement of the technology, can ensure that in the process of running, no one to the normal operation of convenience stores, and at the same time more adaptable to more application scenario. 2, operation for longer periods of time relative to the traditional convenience store, with the advantage of the unattended, more is dependent on technology in the business. So there is no convenience store business hours can realize 24-hour business, no longer limited to traditional convenience store in the human cost increases with the status quo. 3, mobility reduce not convenience stores in the current process, no convenience stores will often because of a lot of problems appear, lead to need someone to deal with. Although there is no convenience store technology has been in with the application process was improved, but no one at the current patterns of convenience stores, or need someone to maintain the normal operation of the whole no convenience store. Above is a convenience store from the 'someone' to 'no' experiences have advantages, also have a little faults. But no convenience store is very important to promote the advance of the retail industry.