For couples, the most happy thing is seeing objects, either a movie or go to travel, or to go abroad, the most afraid of is waiting for such trivial things, is a waste of time to boring, the emergence of this situation from the self-service terminal got great ease. Take one, efficient process! Kiosks is not limited to a single ticket and collect the tickets, but take the ticket and collect the tickets machine effectively solve the problem of user 'two', used a fix directly! The operation is simple, refused to complicated! Information self-service terminals on the development of tourists for scenic spot ticket information acquisition channel, and a built-in purchase and collect the tickets, according to clew information users only need simple operation, can easily finish to sell the tickets, truly achieves zero can quickly complete the whole operation. Code to pay, don't need to take now! In the present this era of mobile payment, self-service terminals also embedded code payment functions, solve the problems of the user to carry cash inconvenience, realize the user used in hand, and all over the world. Self-service terminals, good for couples date the beginning of the solid first step! How much money on a self-service terminal machines?