In the past, when going to university, many times not only needed a meal card, but also an electricity card and various school cards. Not only was it very troublesome for students to manage, even the school had to set up one or several card service centers, and some were recharged. Some kind of cards, and some recharge another kind of cards, consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and also bring a lot of inconvenience to the management of the school. Picture: Most universities now adopt the 'one card' system for recharge and payment machines, that is, the original cards with various functions can be'finished' with only one card, just like my university, the school's one card Not only can it be used as a meal card, it can also be recharged to pay electricity bills, etc., so you don’t have to carry as many cards as you used to. The emergence of the recharge payment machine has made the 'one card' more popular, because it was relatively troublesome to recharge before, but now with the recharge payment machine, you can quickly recharge with a simple operation by yourself, which is very convenient for students and also allows schools The management of student meal cards, electricity bills, etc. is also more scientific. As long as you check on the computer, you can clearly know how much electricity is left and how much money is needed on the card. These are all due to the self-service payment system. Science is always the theme of the times. No matter when or where, scientificization will definitely become the mainstream. Therefore, the use of recharge and payment machines is the beginning of scientific campus management. I believe it will continue to develop and make it more convenient for schools and schools. student.