What is visual and settlement stage? A lot of people do not know much about visual settlement, actually it is easy to understand. Visual settlement is to use the camera to grasp really commodity information, by AI intelligent recognition ratio on the product information, and then through the background information for account settlement. Visual settlement platform application in our life scenes a lot, today we are going to learn about the visual and settlement of many application scenarios. In our life is perhaps the most often meet visual settlement should be the application of food and beverage and fresh the above application, the application of these two scenarios we compare the known. Application in food industry, mainly through the visual settlement quickly identify food price, complete the function of the settlement of payment. At present, the market reaction is very good, whether business, or customers are more recognition. Fresh visual and settlement of the above application mainly fresh visual settlement, to help businesses to provide weighing function, AI intelligent recognition technology combine with complete settlement invoicing service. Now mainly in some fresh fruit on the market have a lot of applications, a reflection of the customer is very good. In addition to our common these application scenarios, visual settlement also can be applied to the supermarket, especially the application of the supermarket chain is more. Actually is also can be applied in our bakery scenario, visual and settlement stage of AI intelligent recognition technology is powerful, can input information such as the picture, price of bread in advance, then after by customers to choose the bread in the settlement area through visual settlement for visual settlement services. Application of many more visual and settlement stage scene, can be applied to the catering industry is very much also. In many fresh store, whether it's fruits, seafood, vegetables, and other types of stores can have certain application. Now and in the bakery, characteristic shops and snacks shops are used, the scene change is more, but can use visual settlement rapid settlement functions, help you quick shopping.