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What is a visual and settlement?

About visual settlement stage, you may not know too much. Some people may wonder how visual settlement? Vision also can weigh? To these questions, then by the author as an introduction to visual clearing platforms and applications. Visual settlement units not through visual settlement, but through visual capture images information and background compare the stored information to identify and settlement stage the varieties, through the scales to weigh at the same time, to calculate the price of the item. This is a visual and settlement of the fresh visual and settlement. And application in food industry of visual and settlement, can need not balance, directly through the visual identification, calculate the total food price, complete the self service pay. In our real life, when buying the goods such as fruits or vegetables often require a fresh weigh of staff. But in the face of numerous product staff, not only need to identify the types of goods, but also need to find the corresponding product prices in the electronic scale for weighing, then tagged. Test the whole process not only skilled workers for commodity, but also a speed test of the staff. But human there will be tired, so the hard to avoid rate can be a problem. So fresh visual settlement platform can provide the service demand, at the same time rate is far in excess of the artificial service speed. Through the above introduction, everybody for visual settlement platform should have a certain understanding, but also know the function and application of visual and settlement stage.

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